All You Need To Know About Installing Docker On Your Linux.

Subhan khaliq
3 min readOct 7, 2020


Docker is a tool create to make it easier to run, deploy and run applications using containers. It is a platform that use OS-level Virtualization on the device on which it is installed and running. In that way it helps an application to run and deploy easily.

Why we need Docker ?

Before Docker came there are some problems we were facing during software development. Because every application have its own version and supporting environment. So, with Docker you are now environment independent.

Short Introduction to Containers

A Docker container is a software development platform. Its main benefit is to package applications in containers, allowing them to transferable to any Operating System using Linux or windows. Container give every thing a developer needs i.e libraries , editors etc and ship it all out as one package.

How To Install Docker on Ubuntu

Step 1

First of all you need to update all repositories using command

sudo apt update

Step 2

Now, install Docker using following command.

sudo apt install

Check Version

Verify if the docker is installed or not by running the following command.

docker --version

Step 3

Install Ubuntu image using command. You can also install other images with same command.

sudo docker pull ubuntu

Step 4

Create container inside ubuntu image using command.

sudo docker run --name Dumy -it ubuntu

Now , start container using command.

sudo docker start Dumy

You have successfully install Docker , docker image and create container.

